
Steve Mann

MIT '97, P. Eng. Ontario

Widely regarded as the father of wearable computing, inventor of HDR, co-inventor of XR (eXtended Reality), co-founder of InteraXon, makers of the Muse brain-sensing headband.

Ed Hore

Waterfront for All founder

Niv Froehlich

Director of Paddle Canada Stand Up Paddleboard & Kayak Programs.

Connor Issac

Mechanical Engineering Student University of Toronto

Aniin, Miikawaadizi n'dizhnikaaz, Ma'iingan ndoodem, miinwaa Bkejwanong ndoonjiba I am Connor Isaac, part of Wolf Clan from Walpole Island First Nation. As an indigenous person in engineering I have a unique position that is not filled by many people. I have both connections to my heritage, through teachings and the desire to learn more about my culture, but also to academia and STEM. I wish to help with truth and reconciliation through help educating both indigenous peoples about what opportunities are out there and help lead to a better life, but also non indigenous people learn more about issues modern indigenous people face and how we can all work together to achieve mno biimaziwin (the good life). Gci Miigwech